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Melba Joy Ammons (Smith)
James Anderson
Kathy Anderson (Rackley)
Brad Anthony
Matilda Anthony (Darnell)
Shawnee Lynn Anthony (Chambers)
Jan Armiger (Ballard)
Janice Asbery (McFatridge)
Dennis Ashford
Marilyn Avery (Kavchak)
Kathy Babb (Magnuson)
Carolyn Bailey
Cathie Ball (Hawkins)
Charles Beachley
Karen Bean (Barber)
Becky Biard
Aubrey Dean Bills
Donnie Blount
Robert Bodisch
Martha Bone
David Border
Dell Boswell
Mike Bowden
Barbara Bowen (Towers)
Peggy Bramlett (Brannan)
Danny Brazile
Volney Bridges
Larry Brigham
Carlton Brown
Lora Brown (Mashburn)
Tim Brown
David Brumley
Brenda Bryan (Hampton)
Pam Bryan (Goodwin)
Randy Bunch
Camille Butler (Bond)
Cheryl Caldwell (Brown)
Debbie Caldwell (Perry)
Marion Cartwright (Cartwright)
Dr. Rick Casey
Danny Chance
Shirley Chaney
Patsy Chappell (Dake)
Sharon Kay Chappell (Mullens)
Brenda Choate (Tubb)
Lynn Clanton
John Clay
Linda Cole (Anderson /Archer)
Linda Cooper (Battle)
Rea Crabtree (Bowden)
Judy Crain (Arthur)
Carol Crane (Boettcher)
Harry Crawford
Linda Crist (Harville)
David Crook
Ronald Dabbs
Joe Daniels
David Darnell
Garry Davis
Richard Denney
Jeff Deweese
Larry Dicken
Suzanne Dickinson
Ivory Dillard
Neely Dodson
Larry Dority
Mike Dorough
Lynn Downs
Larry Driggars
Mary Driggars (Haley)
Patsy Dunn (Rhodes)
Debbie Duvall (Smith)
Bobby Easter
Darlene Edelhauser (Lassiter)
Audrey Edwards
Glen Embry
Larry Ervin
David Evans
Linda Fagan (Chanler)
Phyllis Ferguson (Graham)
Robin Ferguson
Sherry Fields (Willingham)
Robert Finch
Barbara Fitzgerald (Hays)
Eddie Fitzgerald
Ronald Flanary
L. C. Flowers
Larry Floyd
Gary Fodge
Gloria Ford
Debbie Gates (Upchurch)
Chuck Gibson
Jackie Gibson
Delores Gill
Sherry Gleghorn (McKim)
Peggy Good (Bryant)
Joe Graham
Bobby Graves
Catana Gray (Steed)
George Gray
Bill Grayson
Jeanne Green (Harper)
Judi Green (Piatanesi)
Sue Green (Ross)
Mike Greer
Marcie Griffin
Suzanne Griffin (Border)
Kathy Griffith (Watson)
Richard Grimes
Sidney Gross
Joel Guest
Bob Gurley
Duane Hamil
Peggy Hanke (Hanning)
Lillie Harbuck (Cole)
Mark Hargis
Bobby Hargroves
Billy Harmon
David Harrison
Judy Harrison (Bolling)
Carol Harville (Staples)
Brenda Hatcher (Farmer)
Steve Haynes
Mary Ann Hickman (Brown)
Roger Hignight
Cindy Hill (Leigh)
Karel Hill
Richard Hill
William Holman
Gay Holmes (Booker)
Stephen Holmes
Bill Horton
Betsy House (Mills)
John Houston
Don Howell (Howell)
Sherri Howell
Delores Hughes (Record)
Patricia Hughes (Moore)
Jackie Humphrey
Glenda Jackson
Mary Jackson
Rick Jeffrey
Nancy Jessee
Glenn Leonard Johnson
Johnny Johnson
Michael Johnson
Butch Jones
Gary Jones
Jack Jones
Mike Jones
Roger Jones
Teddy Jones
Larry Jordan
Earl Jumper
Kathy Kammer (Day)
Melissa Kennedy (Jumper)
Jency Kent (Cole)
Linda Kisner (Gross)
Cindy Larue (White)
James Larue
Thomas Larue
Charlie Lawrence
Dawn Legate (Oats)
Anna Lewis (Bonner)
Michael (Mike) Liles
Linda Lipscomb (Woods)
Dwight Logee
Jay Love
Susan Lundgaard
J. B. Lyons
Judye Maddox (Conner)
Yvonne Mahan (Chance)
Michael Edward Malone
Carol Mann (Lynch)
Shirley Mason (Walker)
Leon McCleary
Larry McCuin
Mike McDowell
Jackie McHam (Buster)
Warren McKinney
Janice Melton (Jordan)
Madonna Melton (Kennedy)
Bill Mercy
Darenda Merritt (Babb)
James Middleton
Deedee Mills (Alsup)
Billy Ray Minor
James Monk
Robert Morris
Carolyn Moser (Mabary)
Vicki Moss (Trenado)
Lauren Murphy (English)
Keith Nash
Mary Nash (Woods)
Bill Neyman
Carlos Northam
Ola Faye Nunley (Jackson)
Karon Oakes (Floyd)
Scott O'Brien
Deborah Osborne
Linda Osborne (Whitney)
Louis Owens
Johnny Parker
Wayne Parks
Arnold Parsons
Ann Patterson (Salazar)
Chips Pauly
Bob Peel
(Deborah) Rachel Perkins
Donna Perkins (Butcher)
Candy Philley
David Phillips
Robert Phillips
Jonne Pickens (Holley)
Karl Pinson
Debbie Polk (Gross)
Belinda Porter (Finney)
Gerald Powell
Larry Pratt
Robert Price
Larry Pruett
Diana Rains
Doug Reid
Ginger Rhoades (Whitehead)
Sharon Rhoades (Howard)
Stephen Rhodes
Irene Robinson
Phyllis Robinson
Brenda Roden (Terry)
Della Rodgers (Brooks)
Rock Rollins
Clementine Ross
Debbie Ross (Kosterman)
Randy Ross
Patricia Russell
Pat Ryan
Clift Sammons
Mike Sanders
Nedra Schooler (Foster)
Clinton Scott
Sue Scott (Burrow)
Cordellia Shannon
Terry Shannon
Mike Shelton
Elizabeth Shires (Melton)
Randy Sikes
Sue Simpkins (Wyrick)
Clarence Sims
Larry Slage
Jerry Smallwood
Clare Smith
Doug Smith
James Smith
Tony Smith
Dr. Bill Snell
Susan Snell (Guest)
Chris Snodgrass
Dr. Maya Pauline Snowton (Lagbara)
Margaret Snowton (Hawkins)
Mary Lynn Spann (Cole)
Patricia Sparks (Bell)
Bruce Sprinkle
Mary Stavrou
Jack Steed
Kathy Steelman (Harrison)
Fred Stell
Sue Stevens (Daugherty)
Deborah Steward (Jones)
John Stewart
Foster Stone
Shirley Sudduth (Yates)
Kerry Swaim
Tim Swofford
Chris Taylor
Tim Taylor
Mary Templeton (McCoin)
Albert Thielman
Bonita Elizabeth Thielman
David Thomas
Lawrence Thompson
Theresa Thompson (Cochran)
William Thurman
Tina Trenado (Anderson)
Ray Trotter
Albert Tuttle
Ronnie Varnell
Warren Waggoner
Jimmy Wallace
Laird Wallace
Dennis Ward
Myrtle Waters (White)
Kay Watson (Bernethy)
William Webster
Gary D Weems
Julie Wells (Crews)
Larry Whitener
Judy Wilkins (Relford)
Larry Williams
Rondie Williams
Susan Williams
Patricia Wilson (Schomburg)
Phil Wilson
Larry Womack
Georgia Woodfin (Leddy)
Bill Wooldridge
Terry Wortham (McPhail)
Loretta Young
Guest Members
Beverly Bailey (Proffer)
Charles Bolton -Teacher
Kay Bryan (Thurmon)
Carol Campbell (Dollins)
Johnny Crawford
J. T. Davis -Coach/Teacher
Joe Ben Early -Teacher
Patsy Farmer (Farmer)
Vicki Gunter (Thurman)
Peggy Guthrie -Teacher
Louise Hagood
Nancy Hagood (Klein)
Frank Homer -Friend Of The…
Gerald Jack -Coach
Virginia Jessee -Teacher
Scott Mastenbrook
Phillip Nance -Coach
Delores Newman (Gordon)
Mike Noles
Jan Pryor (Campbell)
Bobby Puckett -Coach
Mary Ella Riddles (Zarones)
Jim Semple
Charles Sparks -Assistant …
Angela Stewart (Lewis Crock…)
Mrs. A. V. Wacasey -Secretary
Rebecca Wells Robinson
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